Following the European motto
"United in diversity"
by asking a dignified welcome for migrants in Europe
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Welcoming migrants in Europe: A quest for dignity
Some EU Member States are failing to respect the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights and international law when it comes to the reception of migrants.
It is unacceptable that women and men fleeing war and violence are faced with unworthy reception conditions. Human rights must apply to everyone, because these people are human beings before they are migrants.
Welcoming migrants to Europe must become a quest to preserve their dignity, ensuring that everyone is treated with the same respect and consideration.
Together for a Europe that ensures a dignified welcome: A project led by young people
This project is run by students from the Rosa Parks secondary school in Rennes, who have decided to play an active role in defending the rights of asylum seekers. Aware of the inequalities and challenges faced by migrants, the students decided to speak out and call on the European Commission to take action on the rights and pathways of asylum seekers. They believe that the current rules are not sufficient to guarantee a dignified reception for migrants. Their growing awareness and determination to defend human dignity is the testimony of an awakened generation, ready to act for a fairer world based on solidarity. The heartfelt cry of these young people is a source of inspiration for all those who share their convictions in favour of humane and fair treatment for every individual, whatever their status or origin.
“We see that migrants are not being treated with dignity”
Jody and Kelly, students at Rosa Park secondary school in Rennes
One of these committed young people is Garance Foglizzo, a 23-year-old Franco-British graduate who, on 18 July, launched a project she called “DigniTour”. After taking an active part in developing the concept with the pupils, she decided to organise a tour of Europe by bike and train to raise awareness among young people and European institutions about the conditions under which migrants are received. The project also aims to collect as many signatures as possible.
The ECI organising committee has also been joined by citizens and associations from several countries, reflecting the scale and particular importance of this issue in Spain, Poland, Belgium, Greece, Germany and Italy.
Towards a concrete solution: Pupils’ proposals to solve the problem
To defend this project before the European Commission, we need to collect one million signatures from European citizens.
The solutions proposed by the students include:
- guaranteeing three meals a day for all
- care for the sick and disabled
- safe and clean housing
- access to a complete education, including literacy and learning the local language
- establishment of the right to work
- a guarantee that everyone understands their fundamental rights
The aim is to make two very specific requests to the European Commission:
Bring about legislative change
by making reception standards binding in the Member States in terms of food, health, housing, education and work, guaranteeing dignified living conditions for asylum seekers that are comparable in all countries.
To establish a new mechanism for distributing
asylum seekers in the European Union, based on their free will and on effective solidarity between Member States.
United for Dignity: Why should I sign?
By signing this initiative, we will be able to say loud and clear that there are many of us in Europe who do not agree with the way migrants are treated.
Supporting our European Citizens’ Initiative will help give a voice to all those who defend the principle of human dignity as one of the founding values of the European Union. Together we have the power to influence the extension and strengthening of the fundamental rights of migrants in Europe, and we reaffirm our support for European associations working to ensure that migrants are welcomed with dignity.
Sign the initiative: A simple act with a big impact
Signing will only take two minutes of your time.
By signing, you will be acting in support of an important humanitarian cause, while helping to improve the living conditions of migrants. What’s more, it will promote the dissemination and application of our shared values in our territories.
This initiative is part of an official European Union procedure and has the particular support of Rennes, Ville et Métropole.